Canada Post Strike Impact
Due to the ongoing strike of Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW), Canada Post will not be picking…
For the
Thessalon Arena Canteen Operator
The Town of Thessalon is currently accepting SEALED TENDERS for the Thessalon Arena Canteen Operator for a one-year contract for the 2023-2024 operating season with the option of renewal up to three seasons. The tender must include the monthly rental amount for the use of the canteen. The minimum bid required is $88.50 plus HST.
Equipment currently available in the canteen includes one stove, one fridge, one stand-up freezer, microwave, hot dog warmer, stand up cooler. Please note that the Town of Thessalon is practicing a plastic free environment and as such, the use of throw away plastic such as water bottles, plastic cutlery, plastic takeout bags and Styrofoam will not be allowed. Further information can be provided upon request.
The arena canteen must be open during all hockey games, tournaments and public skating events. *Additional operating hours may be required.
Sealed Tenders using the form attached, and clearly marked “Thessalon Arena Canteen Operator” will be received by the undersigned (must be mailed or hand-delivered) at the address below until 3:00 p.m. on Thursday August 31, 2023.
Corporation of the Town of Thessalon
187 Main Street
PO Box 220
Thessalon, ON
P0R 1L0
Attention: Debbie Rydall, Clerk-Treasurer
The successful applicant must provide proof of liability insurance in an amount of not less than $2 million naming the Town as an additional insured, and may be required to provide WSIB clearance certificate.
Only the successful applicant will be contacted.