Accessibility Policies

The Town of Thessalon is committed to making documents accessible that can be shared on our website for viewing wherever possible; however, there are circumstances where it becomes difficult to do so; such as historical documents, complex technical date, mapping, etc.

In stating this, the municipality will assist whenever needed by sending an accessible alternative and providing assistance. Please send your request to [email protected] if you require a document sent in accessible formats or communication supports.

Accessibility Plan - Town of Thessalon (PDF)

Annual Status Report 2022 (PDF)

Accessible Customer Service Feedback Form- Online Submission

Accessibility Report for 2022 Municipal Election (PDF)

Accessible Customer Service Policy (PDF)

Accessible Design of Public Spaces Policy (PDF)

Accessible Digital Format Policy (PDF)

Accessible Employment Policy (PDF)

Accessible Information and Communications Standard Policy (PDF)

Accessible Procurement Policy (PDF)

Accessible Training Policy (PDF)

Accessible Transportation Policy (PDF)

Accessibility Compliance Report 2023 (PDF)

Annual Status Report 2023 (PDF)


Accessible Customer Service Feedback Form

Thank you for visiting the Town of Thessalon. We value all of our customers and strive to meet everyone's needs. Your feedback is important to us.

To help us better serve you by providing fully Accessible Customer Service, please complete your feedback using this form.
Was our customer service provided to you in an accessible manner?
Did you have any problems accessing our goods and services?

Thank You for completing the Accessible Customer Service Feedback Form.

187 Main Street, P.O. Box 220 Thessalon, ON P0R 1L0 Tel. (705)842-2217