Tri-Neighbours Board of Management

The Tri-Neighbours Board of Management was established in 1995 to provide for the joint management and operation of a garbage collection and disposal system for the Town of Bruce Mines, the Town of Thessalon and the Township of Plummer Additional.  The Board is comprised of one member of Council from the Town of Bruce Mines and the Township of Plummer Additional and two members of Council from the Town of Thessalon.  One resident, representing all three municipalities, is appointed by all three Councils.

These three municipalities enjoy the convenience of weekly curbside pickup of household garbage and recycling material by our contractor, Municipal Waste Recycling Consultants.  The Board provides single cell battery collection throughout the three municipalities.  To date the residents have diverted almost one tonne of batteries from the landfill site.  The Board is also a member of Stewardship Ontario, Ontario Tire Stewardship and most recently, Ontario Electronic Stewardship.

There is one landfill site and two transfer sites.

  1. The land fill site is located in Rose Township at 1314 East Line Road and accepts general household garbage, construction debris, tires, contaminated wastes etc.  E-waste, metal, tires, white goods etc are collected as well and transferred out as required.  Revenue collected from the E-waste and metal and tires is divided between the three municipalities as per the original agreement.  There is also a Re-Use building for goods that are no longer needed by one person and a treasure for someone else.  There is no charge for depositing or removing items from the Re-Use Buildings.  This site is unable to accept wood products of any source.  The hours of the landfill site are listed below and special callouts can be arranged outside of the regular hours.  Please contact Pat Watson, Tri-Neighbours Secretary at 705-206-3331 to learn more.
  2. There are two Transfer Sites. One is located at 101 Taylor Street in Bruce Mines and the other at 499 River Street in Thessalon.  These sites collect wood and brush, e-waste, metal and white goods which, with the exception of wood which is burnt, are transferred out of the sites as required.  Revenue collected from the E-Waste and Metal is divided between the three municipalities as per the original agreement. Tires are not allowed at these sites.

Tri-Neighbours Landfill and Transfer Site Hours of Operation Landfill (Rose Township) 

Summer Hours:

Wednesdays - 3:00 pm through 7:00 pm - April 1 to October 31

Saturdays - 9:00 am through 5:00 pm - April 1 to November 30

Winter Hours:

Saturdays - 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. - December 1 to March 31

When a Statutory Holiday falls on a Saturday, these sites will operate during the same hours on the next day being Sunday.

Thessalon Transfer Site
Fridays - 3:00 pm through 7:00 pm - April 1 to October 31
Closed November 1 - March 31
When a Statutory Holiday falls on a Friday, this site will forfeit that day of operation.

Bruce Mines Transfer Site
Mondays - 3:00 pm through 7:00 pm - April  1 to October 31
Closed November 1- March 31
When a Statutory Holiday falls on a Monday, this site will forfeit that day of operation.

The Board is constantly striving to improve the management of waste in our communities and to extend the life of our landfill site whenever the opportunity becomes available.


GFL Recycling Calendars July 2024 to June 2025 (PDF)

GFL Tri Neighbours Recycling Calendar - July 2023 to June 2024 (PDF)

Bylaw 2009-01 Tri-Neighbours (PDF)

Bylaw2023-02 - Amendment to By-law 2009-01 (PDF)

Tri-Neighbours Board of Management Notices

Freon Appliance Round-Up 2024




Monday, June 3, 2024 to Monday, September 30, 2024

The Tri-Neighbours Board of Management will be sponsoring a Freon Appliance Round-Up beginning on Monday, June 3, 2024 and ending on Monday, September 30, 2024.  Large freon appliances such as fridges and freezers can be brought to the Transfer Sites located in the Town of Bruce Mines and the Town of Thessalon and the Waste Management Site (Landfill) on East Line Road during normal operating hours.  A Sticker must be purchased and applied to the appliance to be accepted in the sites.  These stickers are available at the transfer sites and the landfill site from the Site Attendant for a fee of $20.00 each.  This fee will cover the cost of removing the Freon from the appliance.  All doors must be removed from appliances by owner prior to bringing into the sites.

Small appliances such as dehumidifiers, air conditioners, mini fridges and freezers etc. can now be brought to the Waste Management Site and Thessalon Transfer Site and placed with the E-Waste at no charge to the residents all year round.

This event is only open to the residents of the Town of Bruce Mines, the Township of Plummer Additional and the Town of Thessalon.



Thessalon Transfer Site accepts untreated wood, brush, leaves, white goods, metal, florescent and LED lightbulbs and all electronics (computers, T.V.’s, phones, radios etc).

Give-A-Way Building Now Open

Tires and Construction Debris must be self-hauled to the Rose Lake Landfill Site

Thessalon Transfer Site Regular Hours are:

Fridays April 1st - October 31st, from 3 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

499 River Street Thessalon

April 10, 2024 Notice

It has been noted that some residents are disposing of debris in the garbage cell that should be placed in the designated areas. eg: Tires, Freon Units, E-Waste, Metal. All residents must properly sort the debris being brought into the Waste Management Site at 1314 East Line Road. The Site Attendant must be able to determine what the debris is and where they need to direct the resident to properly dispose of that debris.

Please help us recycle.

Tri-Neighbours Board of Management


Did you know you can drop off used batteries off at the Municipal Office to be recycled? Battery drop off bins are located in the lobby of the Municipal Office/Public Library and available during operating hours.